Help! I have committed the “It’s OK, he doesn’t bite” crime
Written by Laure-Anne Visele-Jonkman on 26 June 2020 Blog post about the ‘He doesn’t bite’ brigade I was walking with my super sociable dog on the street and he’d just happily greeted 2-3 people. My dog exudes kindness and sociability so much that people ask me all the time if they can pet him. He […]
Should we really be suing dog shelters?
Blog post by Laure-Anne Visele, dog behaviourist, 18 June 2020 Should we really be suing dog shelters? The bite incident that started it all On Sunday 31 July 2016, a 6-year old girl got viciously attacked by her neighbour’s dog in Amsterdam. The dog’s owner had recently adopted him from the local shelter, and had, […]
But surely you have to see the dog’s problem behaviour with your own eyes?
Written by Laure-Anne Visele, 19 May 2020. Photo credits at the end of the post. It’s early in the morning and my coffee hasn’t kicked in. I try to unfog my brains as I wait at my client’s front door. This should go smoothly. I have left safety instructions and I have SMS’ed in […]
Our latest Doggo article about dogs and separation anxiety is out
Are you curious what a dog behaviourist has to say about separation anxiety? With the relaxing of the Dutch corona measures, we are going to leave the house more often. This was the perfect moment to write an article about separation anxiety for Doggo.nl (THE Dutch on-line source of information about dogs). The article is […]
Dog behaviour therapy of a streetdog: a mystery to be solved
Behaviour therapy cases are often a mystery to be solved. We get a very detailed history from the owners, we have a long conversation with them and ask tons of questions, we test and observe the dog. And then a picture can form. Take this one whom I saw recently. This adorable young man was […]
When is it OK to pick up my dog?
Author: Laure-Anne Viselé Written on: 17 Feb 2020 Is it OK to pick up your dog? Actually, that depends. My dog is scared, and I want to help him In the following situations, it is absolutely a good idea to pick up your dog, as long as… Your dog does feel safe in […]
Fear Free veterinary handling
Laure-Anne, one of OhMyDog’s behaviourists, is Fear-Free certified. This means that you can book training sessions to help your dog cope with veterinary procedures and help reduce fear/aggression or stop them from developing. Without Fear-Free training, many dogs, particularly chronic patients, become scared of veterinary treatments. Fear-Free training help dogs feel calmer, and even collaborate, during […]
Separation anxiety? Different diagnoses
Summary of the findings of: Santos de Assis et al, 2019: “Developing diagnostic frameworks in veterinary behavioural medicine: disambiguating separation related problems in dogs“ The ‘separation anxiety’ diagnosis gets thrown around quite a lot, but is that justified – or even helpful? There seem to be different forms of separation problems, and […]
Well of course he listens. You’re using TREATS
Grrrrr! In one dog walk, I was told: – When I had to call my dog a 2nd (not 3rd, not 4th, not 5th; SECOND time) as I called him at a distance while he was playing with another dog. “Well. What do you expect when you work with treats?” – When […]