Harness or collar?
Blog post reviewing claims about dog harnesses and collars written by dog behaviourist Laure-Anne Visele Re-issued from older post by same author Harness zombies Have you ever had an Apple/Mac “zombie” trying to get you to join the anti-Microsoft ranks? The dog world is just as susceptible to extreme product loyalties. Harness fans can call […]
Greeting other dogs when on the lead: good or bad idea?
Blog post about on-lead greetings, by Laure-Anne Visele (MSc, dog behaviourist), on 3 June 2020 I got this really cute picture from a puppy student of mine, showing how well socialisation to other pups was going with her adorable girl. My initial instinct as a behaviourist I directly checked the photo for signs of tension […]
Our latest Doggo article about dogs and separation anxiety is out
Are you curious what a dog behaviourist has to say about separation anxiety? With the relaxing of the Dutch corona measures, we are going to leave the house more often. This was the perfect moment to write an article about separation anxiety for Doggo.nl (THE Dutch on-line source of information about dogs). The article is […]
Fear and aggression: Why just exposing the dog in gradual steps won’t work
About the author Laure-Anne Visele is a dog behaviourist and zoologist. Laure-Anne is OhMyDog’s behaviourist and gives consults to clients in The Hague, Delft, Westland and region (in Dutch or English). Laure-Anne is a certified dog behaviourist with a degree in Zoology (University of Newcastle, United Kingdom) and postgraduate diploma in Applied Companion Animal Behaviour […]
9 November 2018: Letter to Parliament about high-risk dog breeds
Minister of Agriculture Carola Schouten wrote a letter to Parliament informing them of the current state of affair regarding the proposed legislation on High-Risk Dogs on 9 November 2018. OhMyDog! has studied the document and is summarising it for you below. In short: The municipalities, the police and the government will collaborate to tackle the […]
Dog behaviour seminar in The Hague: Zoologists’ secrets to a happy dog (March 2017)
On Wednesday 29 March, we are giving our seminar on dog behaviour again, a science- and fun-packed two hours by Zoologist Laure-Anne Visele, sharing little known but useful secrets behind your dog’s behaviour. Book now Location: OhMyDog Den Haag, Wijndaelerweg 12. Directions here. Presenter: Laure-Anne Visele, Zoologist and Dog Behaviourist. Date and time: Wednesday 29 March […]