No lessons on 22 and 24 July
[in English below] Geachte cursisten Zoals in de originele planning van uw cursus reeds aangegeven, is de locatie op maandag 22 juli en woensdag 24 juli niet beschikbaar. We zien jullie graag weer de week erop (29 of 31 juli, afhankelijk van uw lesdag). Een heel fijne week toegewenst. Het team van OhMyDog. — Dear […]
Another roaring dog behaviour seminar in The Hague
I had a great time presenting the theory evening in The Hague tonight. Teaching you about the science of dog behaviour so you an raise a well-adjusted, well-behaved pooch. A dog who is dying for his next training session and works for you with all his heart. Thank you to the students for being their […]