Safe and smooth dog training classes in uncertain corona times: it IS possible
Written by Laure-Anne ViselĂ©-Jonkman, Dog Behaviour Therapist and Dog training instructor (MSc, Postgrad. Dip., BSc, KI – O&O), 15 Jan 2021 The last few months have brought us to our knees like many other small business owners. We have cried. We have lost sleep. We have cursed. At times, it felt like our company […]
The puppy class is going on-line
We wanted to be there for our puppy students, to help them continue with socialization and obedience practice. It has cost us blood, sweat and tears, but we are very proud of our on-line learning environment. Existing students get to continue following their classes without disruption, and we are accepting sign-ups for new puppies. We […]
No lessons on 22 and 24 July
[in English below] Geachte cursisten Zoals in de originele planning van uw cursus reeds aangegeven, is de locatie op maandag 22 juli en woensdag 24 juli niet beschikbaar. We zien jullie graag weer de week erop (29 of 31 juli, afhankelijk van uw lesdag). Een heel fijne week toegewenst. Het team van OhMyDog. — Dear […]