Dog training news at OhMyDog! The Hague
Watch this space for the latest news from OhMyDog! School.
Safe and smooth dog training classes in uncertain corona times: it IS possible
Written by Laure-Anne Viselé-Jonkman, Dog Behaviour Therapist and Dog training instructor (MSc, Postgrad. Dip., BSc, KI – O&O), 15 Jan 2021 The last few months have brought us to our knees like many other small business owners. We have cried. We have lost sleep. We have cursed. At times, it felt like our company […]
The puppy class is going on-line
We wanted to be there for our puppy students, to help them continue with socialization and obedience practice. It has cost us blood, sweat and tears, but we are very proud of our on-line learning environment. Existing students get to continue following their classes without disruption, and we are accepting sign-ups for new puppies. We […]
No lessons on 22 and 24 July
[in English below] Geachte cursisten Zoals in de originele planning van uw cursus reeds aangegeven, is de locatie op maandag 22 juli en woensdag 24 juli niet beschikbaar. We zien jullie graag weer de week erop (29 of 31 juli, afhankelijk van uw lesdag). Een heel fijne week toegewenst. Het team van OhMyDog. — Dear […]
Puppy class in The Hague: socialisation to kids
Last week was kids’ day at OhMyDog! hondenschool Den Haag. The idea behind the exercise? To expose the pups to as many calm and positive interactions with kids as possible without overwhelming them. This, to teach them that kids are neither something to be afraid of, nor something to get all excited about. We invited […]
Meet deaf Border Collie puppy Blue
Meet Blue, a three-month old Border Collie male who’s that little bit more special than his classmates: Blue is deaf. Blue is our first deaf student. We can’t wait to go on this journey with him an his owner, Angie, who agreed with documenting the process. We’ll need a sign for him to know when he’s […]
Welcome to our team of dog trainers, Janneke!
We are really happy to count Janneke van der Laan as one of our trainers. Janneke brings impressive baggage with her: Janneke… has a Master’s in neuroscience, is a PhD candidate in dog welfare, is a university lecturer on animal behaviour, has a postgraduate specialisation in applied companion animal behaviour, is an experienced foster-carer for special needs […]
Puppies socialize to kids at OhMyDog!
We bring real-life people and situations to class at OhMyDog! so the pups can get a real-life experience, and we can coach you on how to help the pup make the right decisions, and learn to be a good canine citizen about whatever life has to throw at them. Kids are not exception, and, with […]
Another roaring dog behaviour seminar in The Hague
I had a great time presenting the theory evening in The Hague tonight. Teaching you about the science of dog behaviour so you an raise a well-adjusted, well-behaved pooch. A dog who is dying for his next training session and works for you with all his heart. Thank you to the students for being their […]
We have a new dog training field in The Hague!
Finally, after months and months of uncertainty, OhMyDog! has a new field! As you know, the road works on the Waalsdorperweg have caused a lot of inconvenience and have made access to our old field difficult. From 9 September 2015, we shall be training in the beautiful Westduin Park in Scheveningen. We were graciously allowed […]