Tommaso is one of our valued trainers at OhMyDog! Like all our other trainers, he came to us with specialist training and professional experience in dog behaviour. But we don’t just ask for credentials and experience, we also ask applicants to be intelligent and sociable. As if that wasn’t enough, we put them through a ten-week program during which they demonstrate they master the art and science of Behaviour Coaching: how to quickly identify potential problems with the dogs in class, and immediately help out before the owner has a chance to get off-track.
Below is the heart-felt announcement we wrote when Tommaso completed Behaviour Coaching period, and got promoted to Head Trainer. We wanted to save it here for posterity.
OhMyDog!’s latest behaviour coach
It’s difficult for me to write Tommaso with any objectivity. In the few months that we have worked together, he has not only managed to become an esteemed colleague trainer, but also a good friend. But let me try:
I want to officially congratulate Tommaso on completing his Behaviour Coaching weeks with flying colours. During his evaluation, he passed every criterion, and more, with brio, giving students expert advice and one-to-one attention during group classes.
A few months ago, Tommaso had contacted us from Italy, to just watch one of our lessons. He hit it off with the team, students and dogs like he’d known us all for years. We chatted and found out:
- He held a widely respected dog behaviour certification,
- Had run his own behaviour coaching business in Italy,
- Had collaborated with vet behaviourists on complex cases,
- Shared our vision of an evidence-based and ethical approach to dog education and…
- Was moving to The Netherlands!
After he came back the next week, we knew we had to ask: would he be interested in applying for one of our trainer positions? To our relief, he said yes and he has been our trusted colleague since.
Throughout his trial period, Tommaso has impressed us with his grasp of the theory and technique, with his keen eye for improvements, with his quick reactions to dog body language, and with his unfailing sense of initiative.
But what makes Tommaso Tommaso is his respectful-yet-cheeky approach to dogs and owners. He knows how to keep things light and fun, even when coaching on serious problems. And I always look forward to his official lesson segments, which he gives in his typical “I did my background research preparation perfectly, but nobody said it had to be boring” delivery.
We have offered Tommaso to use his theoretical, technical, practical and human skills to lead his own puppy classes, and are proud to announce that Tommaso will join the ranks of OhMyDog! trainers as of September 2015.
Welcome to the team, Tommaso! And I am proud to count you as a colleague and a friend.