Advanced dog obedience training in The Hague


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Thur 7 Jan





Welcome to our Advanced Obedience class, the course to fine-tune your dog’s obedience.


For whom is dog advanced obedience training?

Owners: People who want to give their dog’s obedience a little nudge forward. People who:

  1. Want to keep nice and busy with their dog after their Obedience course;
  2. Want the dog to listen more reliably; 
  3. Want a refresher course with their dog.

Dog’s skills: Dogs who have followed to have followed an obedience course previously (Elementaire Gehoorzaamheid level, like our own Obedience course). The dogs should master:

  • The clicker / clicker word
  • The sit
  • Walking on a loose leash
  • The recall 

If you are not sure your dog is up to this yet, why not register him/her to the Obedience group first?

Dog’s age: From 10 months of age.

Dog’s temperament

  • Dogs who are sociable to humans and dogs
  • Dogs who don’t get aggressive or tense in the presence of food/toy
  • Dogs who do not get extremely wound up or frustrated in a group environment where they have to wait their turn

The class focuses on obedience (like the sit or the recall) and not behaviour problems (like nervousness, fear or aggression). If you are experiencing behaviour problems with your dog, our behaviourist would love to help you.    

Course objectives for the Advanced dog obedience training course

This course lets you work on getting your dog reliable on more challenging obedience exercises. Don’t be fooled by the high level, though: the lessons are still given in the typical relaxed and playful atmosphere that is typical of OhMyDog!

The course will teach your dog to:

  • Focus on longer and more challenging tasks
  • To ignore distractions, to learn to focus better

And of course, because we never use force or intimidation, the course is another way of strengthening the bond between you and your dog.

Curriculum of our Advanced obedience course

The course will give you the chance to get your hands dirty on exercises that come straight out of real life’s daily little challenges. We’ll also throw in some nice extra’s, because nobody said advanced obedience training had to be boring.

Saartje, doing a great ‘leave it’ exercise with one of the tins of food we’ve dropped on her parcours


At the end of this course, you’ll have the tools to teach your dogs the following skills:

  • Send away and return
  • Heeling
  • Switching from left to right
  • Sit, stand and down at a distance
  • Recall, with a stay 
  • Stay: for longer, and with distractions
  • Let go: even when the dog is excited
  • And then possible little extras like collaborating with the own dental checks, hula hoops, etc.

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