Beyond Obedience


Your Text






Mon 9 Sept


Do as I do





Welcome to our Beyond Obedience Class, for people who want to keep nice and busy with their dog after going through their Obedience classes. 


And, of course, this course deepens your bond with your dog, as we never use force or intimidation in our lessons. 


(Each theme is a total of 5 lessons)

  • Do as I do: From 9 September. Teach your dog to imitate you, whether you are doing a spin, touching an object or standing on a log; say the ‘copy me’ word and the dog will spin, touch and stand. Let your dog show off how smart he/she is and use DAID to teach him/her countless new tricks in no time. Check out one of our clients in action!
  • Rally-O: From 21 October. In Rally-O, you and your dog navigate a course made up of various obedience exercises. Each course is different, and depending on the skill level of you and your dog, the exercises can be simpler or more difficult and can be performed on or off leash.
  • Junior service dog: From 9 December. Teach you dog some of the fun (and useful!) skills from the service dog training. For example: giving you an item or opening a door. 

For whom is our Beyond Obedience class?

Owners: People who like to just keep busy with dog. People who enjoy training with us and want to keep doing it in the long term. 

Dog’s level: Dogs who have successfully completed their Basic Obedience (Obedience 1) and Advanced Obedience (Obedience 2) classes with us – or have followed classes of a similar level at another dog training school. 

Dog’s age: From twelve months old. 

Dog’s temperament:

The Obedience Beyond course is open to dogs who are sociable to unfamiliar dogs and people. Some dog behaviour problems get in the way of a positive lesson experience, and can even lead to the advice of stopping with the course (for animal welfare and/or safety reasons).  That is a waste of your money. Think, for example, of dogs who:  

  • Dogs who are sociable to even unfamiliar dogs and people
  • Dogs who show no aggression in situations where high-value resources are involved (bone, delicious treats, toys)
  • Dogs who do not get extremely frustrated waiting for their turn. 

The course does not focus on the above-mentioned behaviour problems. If you are experiencing these issues, please read more about our behaviour advice service.


If you are curious about what our past obedience students have to say about the course, check our testimonials page (look for the word (‘obedience’). 

Objectives of the Beyond Obedience course

  • Just a nice hobby for you and your dog, for the long term
  • Keep your dog’s Obedience skills from rusting up
  • Learn new skills through our varied themes (working dog, dog sports, fun)


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