It’s back to school for The Hague’s dogs

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After two weeks of well-deserved rest, your friendly dog nerds are back for the obedience and puppy lessons from Wednesday 27 July 2016. Click here for the lesson schedule.

We can’t wait to meet our new students! Welcome back to school, doggies!

Picture credit at the end of the post

Na twee weken rust en vakantie, zijn jouw vriendelijke hondennerds terug voor de gehoorzaamheid en puppy lessen vanaf woensdag 27 juli 2016. Klik hier voor de cursus programma.

We hebben er zin in! Welkom terug, hondjes!

Laure-Anne, Sabine, Sabine, Tommaso, Janneke, Floor & Chad


Picture credit: With thanks to Rotorheadz from Pixabay (Licence: CC0).

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