Obedience Beyond: new dog training course in The Hague

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OhMyDog Dog Training’s latest new course, Obedience Beyond, is starting on (Mondays, 8.10pm) 6 January on our field in The Hague. Thereafter, you can enrol every 5 weeks. 

Are you looking for a hobby with lots of variety for you and your dog?  Then Obedience Beyond could be something for you. 

Every 5 weeks, we start a new set of lessons with a fresh new theme. And of course, each lesson continues to give your dog more and more challenging obedience tasks so you can build up on his skills. 

Not only do you keep his obedience training fresh, but you also get to try all sorts of dog activities (like scent tracking and fun tricks) so that you can keep learning new things, even in the long-term. 

If you have already completed our Obedience and Advanced Obedience courses, then join the fun and register for Obedience Beyond! 

[The lessons are giving bilingually (Dutch/English) in a mixed group of Dutchies and Expats]

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