The 8 Golden Rules for a great dog-kid relationship
Laure-Anne’s article about the 8 golden rules for a great dog-kid relationship is coming out on Kwispeltherapie today (in Dutch). Click on the link to read the whole article. https://www.kwispeltherapie.be/de-8-gouden-regels-voor-een-prettige-kind-hond-relatie/?fbclid=IwAR1NNidlrF16-YxPbXm-WbUuM0zrgTH4lQIzXBle7keOf54tjL-fNvKjtzY
But surely you have to see the dog’s problem behaviour with your own eyes?
Written by Laure-Anne Visele, 19 May 2020. Photo credits at the end of the post. It’s early in the morning and my coffee hasn’t kicked in. I try to unfog my brains as I wait at my client’s front door. This should go smoothly. I have left safety instructions and I have SMS’ed in […]