I have followed the puppy classes with Nala (Shih Tzu / Chihuahua cross). At first, Nala found it a little much, but she relaxed by lesson 2. We have learnt a lot during this course: lots of tips and tricks that you can use out and about, and at home, You learn to recognize specific behaviour that tell you whether she likes something or not, e.g. when playing with other dogs. We definitely need to practise, but, for a pup of about 4,5 months, she’s doing great! I also liked the way they traine at OhMyDog: you raise the dogs in a positive way. So, if something isn’t going as you wish, not punish, but reward what you do like. We are definitely going through to the Obedience course at OhMyDog!
Mandy with Nala (Shih Tzu x Chihuahua)
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