Meet Floor Keur, the latest member of your dog training team in The Hague

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Floor started out with us just a few short weeks ago, as a Behaviour Coach. Her role there was to help out students and dogs who are not following the class because they’re too distracted, stressed, etc.

After passing our tough selection process, she’ll be giving her own advanced obedience classes for us shortly. She is currently designing the contents and will, no doubt, impress us!

Congrats on becoming Instructor, Floor!

Want to find out a bit more about Floor? Read on.




What defines Floor is her incredible sense of initiative, her resourcefulness, her determination, her weird mix of dark humour and optimism and her unstoppable drive.

To say that Floor likes to exceed expectations is the understatement of the year:

  • You ask her to put a couple of ideas down on paper regarding brain games for dogs, she writes a fifteen page document with video demonstration.
  • You ask her what kind of curriculum she’ll want her next own obedience class to have, she analyses the school’s entire strategy, as well as the market’s, making sure her product fits in.
  • You tell her there’s going to be a deaf dog at the school, she researches the Best Practices so she can brief the rest of the team and help the dog’s owner.
  • You tell her the field is small, she gives you a list of alternatives.
  • etc. etc. etc.

It’s gotten to the point that we’re scared of saying anything, because she WILL magic it up out of thin air.

Some remarks by fellow trainers: “She comes to talk to you and it doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad day. You’re full of energy again” and “Yes, Floor, she’s a great person. Every dog trainer whom you talk to about her is impressed” And let’s not mention how tough it was to find any criticism to give her in her service evaluation.

A typical remark by Floor: (me) “It would be good if you’d read these books” (Floor) “Do you really think I would have approached you if I hadn’t already finished them?” [with Floor-ish smile to boot]

So Floor, again, welcome to the team and good luck in your role as Instructor! In no time, you’ve worked your way to our hearts and you’ve become a hardcore OhMyDogger!

  • Om meer over de credities en achtergrond van Floor te lezen, kunt u deze link volgen (in het Nederlands).
  • To read more about Floor’s credentials and her dog training background, follow this link (in English).
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