Fear Free veterinary handling

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Laure-Anne, one of OhMyDog’s behaviourists, is Fear-Free certified. This means that you can book training sessions to help your dog cope with veterinary procedures and help reduce fear/aggression or stop them from developing. 

Without Fear-Free training, many dogs, particularly chronic patients, become scared of veterinary treatments. 

Fear-Free training help dogs feel calmer, and even collaborate, during ear/eye drops, injections or blood draws.

We have Fear-Free exercises in our puppy classes, and you can book in-home sessions to help your dog shake free of his veterinary fears.

More information

If you are a dog owner and would like to book Fear-Free session(s), write to us (info@ohmydogschool.com) saying which veterinary procedures you’d like us to help your dog with. We’ll tell you how many sessions (1-4) and the costs (55EUR/session). 

If you are a dog professional and are interested in getting certified: Fear Free.


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