Great classes relies on smooth planning and transparent house rules. Could we therefore please ask you to read this document carefully?
(Text in bold often gets overlooked. Please be sure to read it.)
House rules
Planning and organisation
- Please test your access to the system plenty of time in advance. We cannot delay the lesson for the rest of the group because you only inform us at the last minute that you are having trouble getting in.
- Please join us on time, every week, for the live lesson
- Please do not use your mobile phone during the live lesson
- You will be following the lesson without dog. After the lesson, you will receive step-by-step written instructions and video examples so that you can practice during the week.
- You are entitled to support and feedback outside of the live lessons. We endeavour to check the system daily (during office hours/weekdays) for:
- Video’s of your practice sessions, that you may upload for feedback and guidance. Kindly, please limit yourself to maximum 1x film per exercise.
- Any questions you might have the exercises covered during this week’s lesson.
- Any question not related to this week’s lesson can be asked during the next live lesson.
Animal welfare and thinking of other students
- Please do not verbally or physically intimidate your dog (including leash jerking), certainly not in the name of dog training.
- Aversive material like choke. prong or electric collars are not permitted.
- Please treat other students, dogs and staff members with courtesy. We shall tolerate no form of intimidating behaviour in our on-line learning environment.
- Please do not give another student advice.
These rules ensure that all students and dogs get the most out of the course.
Terms and conditions
Registering with OhMyDog! commits you to adhering to the terms and conditions below:
Health and safety
- Up-to-date vaccinations: Good to know for people considering joining an in-person group class on our field at a later date: we will then also ask for proof that your dog is up-to-date on his/her vaccinations.
Finances and Registrations
- You only get a spot on our course once you have received our mail confirming that your registration is complete. For this, you will need to complete the 2 registration steps (proof of payment and approving the terms and conditions, in one mail).
- Once you have reserved a spot on the course, this spot is not reimbursable. Registering without first checking that you are comfortable with the following points is therefore at your own risk.
- Our Vision and methods (incl. the fact that we use food in training)
- The duration/time/price/dates of the course, including days when the school is closed (see school holidays here).
- The entrance criteria, contents and objectives of the course (click on the individual course on this page).
- Maximum 2 Facebook ID’s can join the group per course registration.
Choosing to end the course early because of one of the above-mentioned points once you have registered does not entitle you to a refund. We do of course appreciate your feedback on these points so that we can keep improving our services.
Missed lessons
- Missing one or several classes does not entitle you to a refund or catch-up lessons, regardless of the number of missed classes.
- Please inform us that you will miss class by e-mail, at least 2 hours in advance.
- In extreme situations, OhMyDog! reserves the right to cancel classes. You will then be informed and will get a replacement lesson. When planning for the course, do plan for the course ending 1 to 2 weeks after the originally planned end date. A planning mismatch due to a delayed end date does not entitle you to reimbursement.
Exclusions and expulsions
OhMyDog! reserves the right to deny registration based on implicit and explicit criteria, at their own discretion. The list below is not exhaustive:
- Minors: The dog’s handler (the person holding the leash and doing the exercises) needs to be minimal 16 years of age. OhMyDog reserves the right to determine whether younger handlers can be considered for participation. If you would like for your kids to be involved with raising your dog, we have a course (in Dutch) designed for children: kind-hond. You can follow this course after the puppy class.
- Your secret phrase for your registration is: “happy dog”
- OhMyDog! will not be held accountable for damage or theft to yourself, your child, your own dog or someone else’s dog, person, or property due to your own, your child’s of your dog’s behaviour. This condition is valid even if you are practising an exercise we advised when it happens. We therefore recommend an exhaustive WA-insurance. Note that most basic policies cover only one dog.
Privacy and copyright
- You can read our complete privacy statement here.
- We may ask you if we can re-use the video material you send in. We will always explicitly ask for your permission before doing so.
- It is not permitted to copy, share or transform any of the following material without our explicit permission: video images of other students, conversations in the learning environment between/with students, OhMyDog advice in the learning environment in the form of messages, OhMyDog video material and OhMyDog hand-outs.
Now that the grown-up stuff is out of the way, let’s have fun with the dogs already!
Do you have a question? Please first read our FAQ‘s . You can also send us an e-mail.