Separation anxiety? Different diagnoses
Summary of the findings of: Santos de Assis et al, 2019: “Developing diagnostic frameworks in veterinary behavioural medicine: disambiguating separation related problems in dogs“ The ‘separation anxiety’ diagnosis gets thrown around quite a lot, but is that justified – or even helpful? There seem to be different forms of separation problems, and […]
Obedience Beyond: new dog training course in The Hague
OhMyDog Dog Training’s latest new course, Obedience Beyond, is starting on (Mondays, 8.10pm) 6 January on our field in The Hague. Thereafter, you can enrol every 5 weeks. Are you looking for a hobby with lots of variety for you and your dog? Then Obedience Beyond could be something for you. Every 5 weeks, we start […]
Why your dog won’t get fat from using food in training
You don’t need to give your dog EXTRA food in order to use food in training, and dogs who are trained with treats aren’t all morbidly obese. This is my boy, for example. He gets rewarded (with food) a million and a half times / day. He is hardly overweight, is he? Especially when you […]
Well of course he listens. You’re using TREATS
Grrrrr! In one dog walk, I was told: – When I had to call my dog a 2nd (not 3rd, not 4th, not 5th; SECOND time) as I called him at a distance while he was playing with another dog. “Well. What do you expect when you work with treats?” – When […]
Definition, victims and facilitating factors of severe dog on dog aggression (research article summary)
Schilder, van der Borg, Vinke – 2019 – Intraspecific killing in dogs: Predation behavior or aggression? A study of aggressors, victims, possible causes, and motivations (link to partial view here) – Jnl Vet Beh Vol. 34 Nov-Dec 2019, pp. 52-59 The University of Utrecht’s team of dog behaviour specialists has had another noteworthy article published. […]
Dog chews: safety tips
Tip: Give your dog tons of opportunities to chew. Do ensure that: 1. It has as little added to it as possible (no added sugar, salt, etc.). Standard raw hide is good. 2. Choose irradiated (bestraald) raw hide over bleached. 3. Choose a size that is too large for your dog to put completely in […]
Ledoux’ assertion that animals have no emotions. Don’t confuse fact and opinion
Joseph Ledoux (neuroscientist) has made the headlines of most popular newspapers recently, with the statement that animals have no emotions. This is a huge deal, and you shouldn’t keep spreading the one-liner without context. Another example of science journalism getting it wrong, with a massive impact for animal welfare the world over. 1. Joseph Ledoux […]
Dogs and kids: do you make the right choices?
OhMyDog focuses a lot on the dog-child dynamic. Dogs and kids can be a wonderful combinations, or it can be a disaster waiting to happen. It turns out that interactions between child and dog are surrounded by myth and hear-say, and it can result in unsafe practices. Well-meaning parents often miss red flags that […]
Research summary: Carrots versus sticks
OhMyDog follows evidence-based principles to advise you on your dog’s behaviour. We keep our finger on the pulse of relevant scientific developments so your dog gets effective possible, reflecting the latest insights into dog behaviour. For information about making a behaviourist appointment; For a list of our services and courses. We have reviewed this study […]
Nieuwe hondentrainers gezocht!
Ben je op zoek naar de volgende uitdaging in jouw kennis van hondentraining en hondengedrag? Ben je op zoek voor een leuke (semi-)vrijwilliger part-time bijbaantje met honden voor op de lange termijn? Ben je benieuwd naar evidence-based hondentraining? Wil je in een klein, informeel, internationaal team 1 avond per week honden trainen? Neem een kijkje […]